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Business waste management & garbage services - Haulla

Tips For Collecting Commercial Solid Waste Efficiently


September 7, 2022

Businesses and commercial properties inevitably produce commercial waste as a result of their growth and development and as a byproduct of commercial activities.

However, controlling commercial waste disposal and generation is completely in their hands, made efficient through a waste management plan. By using environment-friendly methods like finding the appropriate waste collection service, businesses can improve their waste management process.

Read on to explore some great tips on how commercial properties can efficiently collect solid waste and benefit from effective commercial waste management.

What is Commercial Solid Waste?

Commercial solid waste refers to the waste generated by commercial businesses and industries. This type of waste can include office paper, packaging materials, yard waste including dead animals, food scraps, and demolition waste.

While some commercial solid waste can be recycled or reused, much of it ends up in landfills. In fact, commercial businesses are responsible for generating millions of tons of solid waste each year.

Fortunately, there are steps that businesses can take to reduce their solid waste footprint. By investing in recycling programs and using eco-friendly packaging materials, businesses can help to make a difference.

Why is there a need for proper disposal and collection of commercial solid waste?

Proper disposal of commercial solid waste benefits the environment and the community@3x.webp

Proper disposal and collection of commercial solid waste are essential for several reasons.

  • First, it helps to protect the environment. Improperly disposed of waste can leach toxins into the soil and water, polluting the air and harming wildlife.
  • Second, it helps to prevent the spread of disease. When garbage is not properly collected, it can provide a breeding ground for pests and bacteria.
  • Finally, proper waste management helps to ensure that valuable resources are not wasted.

By recycling and composting, businesses can reduce their reliance on virgin materials, saving money and helping to preserve the world's finite resources.

Tips on how to efficiently collect commercial solid waste

1. Invest in a waste audit

Source separation involves going through all of the waste your company produces in a given period and categorizing it by material. Once you know what types of waste you're dealing with, you can start to look for ways to reduce or recycle it.

For example, if you generate a lot of paper trash, you might invest in a paper shredder or switch to using digital documents.

2. Set up an efficient collection system

  • Designate a specific area for garbage and commercial recycling. This will help to keep your property clean and organized.
  • Invest in high-quality garbage bags and recycling containers. This will make it easier to transport waste and prevent leaks.
  • Finally, be sure to schedule regular pickups with your waste management company. This will ensure that your property stays clean and clutter-free. 

3. Implement recycling, composting, and segregation program

Implement a solid waste management program within your company@3x.webp

There are many ways to collect commercial solid waste efficiently. One way is to develop a recycling program. By recycling, you can reduce the amount of commercial solid waste that is sent to landfills.

Many items that end up in the trash can actually be recycled, so it's important to implement a recycling program or even provide collection services in your office or factory. This will not only help reduce the amount of waste you have to dispose of, but it can also save you money in the long run.

You can also set up a commercial composting program. This will allow you to recycle organic waste into nutrient-rich soil amendments.

Another way to collect commercial solid waste efficiently is to develop a garbage segregation program. By segregating commercial solid waste, you can easily recycle or compost the materials. You can also set up a garbage sorting system. This will help you sort out the recyclable and compostable materials from the non-recyclable and non-compostable materials.

4. Consider your waste pickup frequency

How often will your bins or drums need to be emptied? For high-volume commercial properties with five or more units of trash, a daily collection service with close loading may be necessary, while a weekly service may suffice for others.

5. Partner with a reliable and reputed commercial waste collection service

Choose a reputable and reliable partner for your commercial solid waste collection. This company will collect and dispose of your waste according to local regulations, ensuring that your business stays compliant.

Also, take note of which days the service is available since many waste collection services aren't available the next day following holidays.

By following these tips, you can be sure to set up an efficient commercial solid waste collection system that meets the needs of your business.

Haulla - Your best partner for Commercial Solid Waste Management

At Haulla, we understand that commercial solid waste management is a complex and ongoing challenge for commercial customers and businesses of all sizes. That's why we offer a comprehensive range of services to help our customers overcome this challenge in the most effective and efficient way possible.

Our team of highly experienced professionals will work with you to develop a tailor-made solution that meets your specific needs and requirements. We provide a full range of services, from waste disposal and commercial recycling to commercial waste management consultancy.

Whatever your needs, we are confident that we can provide an effective solution at affordable rates. Contact us today to find out more about how we can help you.